The Scioto County Court of Common Pleas, General Division has unlimited jurisdiction over all felony and civil cases.
602 Seventh Street
Portsmouth, Ohio 45662
Judge Howard H. Harcha, III:
Phone: (740) 355-8207 Fax: (740) 355-8230
Judge Mark E. Kuhn
Phone: (740) 355-8301 Fax: (740) 353-1209

Judge Howard H. Harcha, III
Judge, Scioto County Common Pleas Court, 1997 to present
- Judge, Portsmouth Municipal Court, 1991-1997
- City Prosecutor, Portsmouth Municipal Court, 1982-1991
- General practice of law with father, Howard H. Harcha, Jr., 1982-1991
B.A., The Ohio State University – 1979
J.D., Ohio Northern University – College of Law – 1982
- Ohio Common Please Judges Association, President, 2013
- Ohio Judicial Conference Committee on Community Corrections, Co-Chairman
- Ohio Judicial Conference, Executive Committee, 2007 to present
- Ohio Supreme Court Committee for Attorney Specialization, Member, 2004-2008
- Ohio Common Pleas Judges Association, Board of Trustees, 2007-2014
- American Judges Association, Board of Governors, 2002-2008
- American Judges Association, Court of Appeals, 2010 to present
- Ohio State Bar Association, Board of Governors, 2013-2015
- Ohio State Bar Association, Criminal Justice Committee, Chairman, 1996-1997
- Ohio Academy of Trail Lawyers, Board of Trustees, 1986-1989
- STAR Community Justice Center, Franklin Furnace, Ohio, JAB Board, Chairman
- Cornerstone United Methodist Church, Portsmouth, Ohio
COURT CALENDAR (calendar tab in upper left after sign-in)
Mark E. Kuhn
Born in Portsmouth, Ohio, On June 22,1969; admitted to Ohio Bar in 1994; also admitted before the U.S. District Court, the Southern District of Ohio.
- Preparatory Education: Miami University, College of Education and Allied Professions (B.S. Ed. 1991), University of Toledo, College of Law (Juris Doctor 1994).
- Spouse: Keri A. (Gable) Kuhn
- Scioto County Prosecutor (2005 to July 2018)
- Portsmouth City Prosecutor (1995,1996 to 2004)
- Offices of Mark E. Kuhn Attorney at Law (1994-2004)
- Member, Scioto County Bar Association (1994 to Present), Past Trustee Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, Structured Sentencing Committee (Prior member)
- Member, Ohio Prosecuting Attorney’s Association, Legislative Committee, Training Committee (2005-2018)
- Member, Ohio State Bar Association (1994 to Present)
- Real Estate and Probate Section
- Member, United Way of Scioto County (1998 to 2005; 2010-Present), Past President
- Portsmouth Public Library Board of Trustees (2001 to 2005), Past President Hospice of Southern Ohio (1995 to Present), Current President
- Member, Southern Ohio Task Force on Domestic Violence (1997 to Present) Evangelical United Church of Christ (Lifelong Member)
- Church Council (1995-2000), Past President, Past Deacon, Past Elder Scioto Christian Ministry (1997-1999)
- Member, Scioto County Fair Board (2004 to 2005)
- Member, Criminal Justice Mental Health Advisory Board (2003 to 2005)
- Member, Northwest High School Alumni Association (1995 to 2006), Past President, Past Treasurer.
- Member, Portsmouth Kiwanis Club (1995 to 2017), Past Board Member, Ohio Municipal Attorney’s Association (1996 to 2004)
- Northwest High School Mock Trial (1995 to 2003), Legal Advisor
- Member Scioto County Budget Commission (2005-2018)
- Member Scioto County Records Commission (2005-2018)
- Member Scioto County Community Corrections Advisory Board (2003-2018)
- Ohio and Southern District Federal Judicial Nominating Commission (2016 & 2017)
COURT CALENDAR (calendar tab in upper left after sign-in)